Phone Buzz - Benowa Gardens

Phone Buzz Benowa Gardens offers premium quality repairs on phones and tablets and also stocks a variety of cases to suit customer needs. After visiting our showroom, the owner of Phone Buzz decided that Freestanding White Maxe would be the ideal solution to set up his new shop. The simplicity of the white slatwall and the LED downlights accentuates the colourful and vibrant merchandise perfectly. The White Timber Shop Counters and Glass Showcases are also a standout feature in this mobile phone shop. The end result of the shop is stunning, the owner described his new store – ‘the displays were beautiful, and pretty easy to assemble’. 

The displays were beautiful, and pretty easy to assemble. We were 2 people at Phone Buzz, who assembled the whole store on our own.
Phil and his staff were pretty helpful in creating 3D designs and how the store might look.

Phone Buzz Owner



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